Thursday, April 15, 2010


Before you protest taxes, try these for starters: two pointless and deficit-exploding wars, the PATRIOT ACT, state secrets, government-sanctioned torture, warrantless wiretapping and retroactive immunity for telecommunications corporations, massive cuts in education spending across the country, private military contractors who profit off of war (thus giving them an incentive to prolong it indefinitely), corporations buying elections and corporate ownership of our government, the failure to regulate Wall Street and the banks that helped destroy our economy, corporations outsourcing and shipping American jobs overseas while receiving tax breaks, the millions of Americans who STILL will have no access to health care or will go bankrupt in the process of being forced to buy it, the immoral and failed war on drugs, insane copyright and patent laws, the secretive ACTA negotiations, Draconian immigration policies, etc.

1 comment:

primitive said...

Could there be anything more ironic than the fact that the ad displaying below this post is for "online tax revolt" ? Google AdSense can really lose its sense sometimes...

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